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Body Length: 3 - 4.5 feet
Weight: 11 - 33 lbs
Lifespan: 11 years
# of offspring: 1-5 pups
Gestation period: 55 days

Range & Habitat
Geographic Range: Central America, South America & Trinidad
Habitats: Riverine forests; Seasonal ponds

Food & Function
Diet: crustaceans, mollusks, small mammals
Lifestyle: Diurnal, Semi-aquatic, Solitary
Ecological roles: Indicator species

Neotropical Otter


(Lontra Longicaudis)
Spanish: Perro de Agua, Nutria. Belizean Creole: Water Dog.


River otters are mammals in the same family as weasels, ferrets, grisons, and tayras. They possess highly muscular flat tails and webbed feet that allow them to propel through water as fast as 8 miles an hour. They are suited to an enhanced water repellent coat of dense fur which keeps them warm and dry upon exiting water. An otter’s body is perfectly adapted for its lifestyle. They have powerful jaws with shearing teeth ideal for their carnivorous diet.

These otters build dens near river banks where there is high food availability and the water is deep and wide. River otter pups are born blind yet fully furred and will emerge from their mother’s nest at about 52 days and begin swimming at 74 days. They are raised completely by their mother. Males do not provide any parental care. The male will only spend a single day with the female during the breeding season.

River otter populations have been affected by illegal hunting, habitat degradation and water pollution. This species is a very important ecological indicator because they prefer ecologically rich, aquatic habitats. The presence of river otters in rivers, signals healthy water.

Fun Facts
  • They are skilled swimmers and can stay underwater for over five minutes. They do this by lowering their heart rate to use less oxygen.
  • They use rocks as “tools” to break open carapaces and shells of their prey. 
  • Otters are playful creatures, they love to play with rocks!
Belize Zoo Trivia
  • Neo, the river otter, arrived at the Zoo in 2022 as an orphan when he was just 3 weeks old, and was bottle fed and hand raised by the amazing Zookeepers.
  • Neo made his official public debut during the Zoo’s 40th anniversary in 2023 alongside famous wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin.