King Vulture
Wingspan: 6 feet
Average weight: 8 lbs
Average lifespan: 30+ years
# of offspring: 1
Range & Habitat
Habitats: Humid lowland forests and pine woodlands
Food & Function
Lifestyle: Diurnal
Ecological roles: Scavenger; Disease control
King Vulture
(Sarcoramphus papa)
Spanish: Zopilote Rey. Belizean Creole: King Jancro.
The king vulture is the largest and most colourful of the four species of vultures in Belize. The thick and strong bill is well adapted for tearing, and their talons for holding the meat or keeping balance when perched atop carcasses. Their colourful head is bare of feathers for improved hygiene.
The king vulture inhabits the humid forests and mature pine woodlands of Belize. They are often seen perched atop tall trees, on cliff tops, or soaring high in the sky. The Mountain Pine Ridge is arguably the most popular location in Belize for seeing these royal raptors, with a site even named King Vulture Falls in their honour. They will sometimes fly over lowland savannas searching for dead animals, and have been recorded flying over the Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center! They will often locate food by the presence of the other vulture species. Once the king vulture lands, the other birds make way for it.
Vultures are often unpopular and unfairly reviled due to their strong preference for consuming carcasses. However, without vultures, humans would have even more public and environmental health challenges. This is already the case in countries where vultures are declining such as India and nations in Africa.
With a very unique array of adaptations, vultures are well equipped for eating rotting foods that would upset the stomachs of most other animals. Vultures are Nature’s “biohazard brigade.” As scavengers, they dispose of carcasses quickly, reducing the risk of spread of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, and play a vital role in nutrient cycling.
Fun Facts
- Vultures in the Neotropics can stay cool using a unique (and gross) technique called urohidrosis; they pee and poop down their legs to keep cool!
- The bright fold of skin on their face is called a caruncle. Scientists are still trying to figure out its function
- Unlike most raptors, male and female king vultures are roughly the same size
- King vultures take up to 6 years to fully mature. Young king vultures are all black, and slowly gain their adult white feathers over time.
Belize Zoo Trivia
- At the Zoo, our Royal Family consists of Rex, Sally, Perfecto, Milagro, and Max
- Rex is the oldest animal at Zoo; he is 40 years old!